Let your cash flow.

Outsource your credit control

Pre-legal debt collection

Legal debt recovery services

Outsource your credit control

Recover debts in the UK

Collect international debts

Overdue accounts and receivables recovery to help you increase cash flow

We have over 30 years’ experience in UK debt collection, international debt recovery, credit control and tracing.

We complement our traditional values with technical innovation and accountability that have earned us acclaim and award as a leading UK Debt Collection Agency.

Whether you need outstanding invoice debt recovery or you lack credit control resources, STA will help you with:
Early-out invoice recovery
Pre-due verification calls
Business to business debt collection

Companies owe money, but people pay bills
We recognise that every debtor company is different, and that’s why we negotiate with each one according to their solvency and liquidity.

Business debt recovery is our speciality. STA International work with businesses across the UK and internationally to recover money owed by their customers. Our no win, no fee guarantee means you only pay commission when we successfully collect funds from your debtor, if we don’t collect, you don’t pay. There’s no subscription fee, and no fees for placing your debt with us.

Our enhanced online portal – Your Debts Online – makes it simple to place your debts, check for updates, respond to our queries, check our overall collection performance and much more.

All clients have a dedicated point of contact with us, and a specialist collector to chase for overdue payment. Our collection process is tailored to you and your industry and we always work on the basis that our efforts should be amicable and fair.

Our strength lies in our personal service – providing bespoke workflows, successful negotiation, dispute resolution and managing payments or instalment plans to ensure successful debt recovery of your invoices.

Recent collection successes have been for e-tailers & Consumer Websites, Building Materials & Products, Office Supplies, Universities & Colleges, Transport & Logistics, Marketing Services, Recycling & Waste Management, Timber Trades, Food & Drink, Computer Software (SAAS), Shipbuilding & Marine, Retail – Clothing & Fashion, Hotels, and Packaging companies. We recover debt for companies of all sizes from SMEs to FTSE listed companies.

Bad Debt Calculator

Bad Debt Calculator



The cost of bad debt

According to the Office for National Statistics, the average profit margin for businesses in the UK stands at 10%. If a business experiences a loss of £10,000, it would necessitate generating an extra £100,000 in turnover to compensate for the shortfall. For the typical SME, achieving this figure is often unrealistic and can ultimately lead to business failure.

Explore the sliders in our bad debt calculator to visualize the necessary additional turnover required to compensate for an unrecoverable late payment.

Credit control services

Reduce risk, increase cash flow, and build business confidence
Recruiting, training, and keeping expert credit controllers are essential to maintain good credit control. What can you do when you are short of credit controllers, or when you acquire another business, and your unpaid invoices threaten to damage your cash flow?

Confidential credit control

Why choose STA International?

London City

44% of UK B2B invoices were overdue in the past 12 months

Pressure on credit professionals has grown in the challenging environment created by the pandemic. Recent research shows 44% of UK B2B invoices being overdue in the past 12 months, with a further 8% written off as ‘uncollectable.’ With your time and resources at a premium, seamless support from a reputable credit management partner like STA will help your business thrive, not simply survive.

Your customers are safe in our hands.

Whether you need credit control in your name, or debt collection in our name, we complement traditional values with technical innovation and accountability, earning acclaim and awards. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, ISO9001 quality accredited, and Credit Services Association Collector Accredited, your customers are safe in our hands.
Credit management solutions
STA International - Worldwide collections

Last year we collected from 154 countries worldwide

We partner with clients from a wide range of trade sectors, and are trusted by trade credit insurance companies to recover past due invoices for their policyholders from all around the globe.

News & Resources

To find out how we can help, call us on: 01622 600 921 to discuss your specific business needs

Contact us homepage

*Please note that our minimum value for a single debt placement is £500.

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